Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Comparing and Contrasting Between Certified Nurse-Midwife and Certified Midwife Essay Essays

Looking into Between Certified Nurse-Midwife and Certified Midwife Essay Essays Looking into Between Certified Nurse-Midwife and Certified Midwife Essay Looking into Between Certified Nurse-Midwife and Certified Midwife Essay Looking into between Certified Nurse-Midwife and Certified Midwife Every calling has its ain magnificence. Nursing is an expert industry with obligation for of import endeavors in clinical frameworks. For a long clasp. proficient â€Å"nurses† . especially birthing specialist medical attendants. were viewed as low-status ; they regularly accomplished the overabundance function as assistants in the ground powers. They assisted with purifying. cookery. wash. and so forth. A 2012 exploration by Marjie Bloy found that Florence Nightingale is introduced as an open wellbeing medical attendant to propel the cutting edge industry. Since she was the child of a princely family unit. Nightingale’s guardians were astonished and vanquished when she chose to go a medical caretaker. At that point she requested clinical consideration advancements for the hapless and the business a little bit at a time took of import stairss to help medical attendants in health proficient positions. There are a few misinterpretations between what a Certified Nurse-birthing specialist and Certified Midwife are. This article will break down this disarray by looking into between Certified Nurse Midwives and Certified Midwives. Above all else. to see plainly what Certified Nurse Midwife and Certified Midwife are. we will take a gander at their definitions. Blending to Hartley Heather. a Certified Nurse Midwife is a single prepared and authorized in both nursing and obstetrics. while a Certified Midwife is a single prepared and affirmed in obstetrics simply. Second. what concentrate way should understudies follow in the event that they would wish to go Midwife? The interest for permission to the Midwifery Education Program for CNM is fairly unique to CM. In her article Different way. possibilities. Susan Trossman portrays the distinction. the interest for Admission to Midwifery Education Program among CM and CNM: a CM needs a Bachelor’s grade from a dispatched school or college and fruitful fulfillment of explicit logical order classs. while in CNM. there are 2 occasions. In the event that the applier has a bachelor’s grade. be that as it may, non a RN permit. a few plans will require accomplishment of a RN permit preceding section into the birthing specialist plan ; others will let the student to accomplish a RN permit before graduate study. Be that as it may. on the off chance that the applier is a RN however doesn’t have a bachelor’s grade. a few plans give a range plan to a bachelor’s grade before the obstetrics part of the arrangement. Different plans require a bachelor’s grade before section into the obstetrics plan. In add-on. in the wake of dissecting for 5 mature ages. the evaluation the students are conceded are very unique: the CM will hold a Master’s grade ; while. the CNM will hold a Master’s or Doctoral evaluation. At long last. subsequent to securing Licensed. Jolivet Rima kept up in her article Nurse-Midwives focused on grown-up females all through the lifetime that in spite of the fact that CNMs are authorized in every one of the 50 areas in addition to the District of Columbia and US regions. CMs are only authorized in New Jersey. New York. furthermore, Rhode Island. A 2002 journal by Lois McClosky said CNMs would work in Boardss of Nursing. Boardss of Midwifery/Nurse-Midwifery. Leading group of Midwifery. Leading group of Medicine. also, Department of Health. Dissimilar to CNMs. all things considered. CMs would work in Board of Midwifery. Leading body of Medicine. also, Department of Health. On the different manus. in her journal. Lisa L Paine portrays what CNMs and CMs share for all intents and purpose. As a matter of first importance. the two of them partition the Clinical Experience Skills Requirement which incorporates the bearing of essential consideration for grown-up females all through the lifetime. counting generative wellbeing consideration. incubation. furthermore, birth ; consideration of the ordinary neonate ; and bearing of explicitly transmitted contaminations in male companions. Second. CNMs. like CMs. Saraswathi Vedam composed that both are free heading of women’s health consideration through the lifetime. from youth through climacteric. At long last. a 2006 article account by Michelle Nolin Flewell talks about the likenesses of work topographic focuses. CNMs and CMs both work in clinics. birth focuses. places. what's more, workplaces. The greater part of CNMs and CMs take care of births in hospitals. In choice. the contrasts between Certified Nurse Midwives and Certified Midwifes are: definitions. investigate waies and licensures. Be that as it may. they partition a few likenesses, for example, Clinical Experience Requirement. Scope of Care Provided. what's more, Practice Settings.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Kenneth Branagh’s Hamlet Free Essays

Kenneth Branagh’s 1996 adjustment of Hamlet is an incredible method to appreciate the well known Shakespeare play. While I saw the film as very extensive, I completely delighted in observing a film form of the story I just knew a smidgen about from perusing a portion of Hamlet in secondary school. I think Kenneth Branagh worked superbly in making the screen play into a film. We will compose a custom article test on Kenneth Branagh’s Hamlet or on the other hand any comparable point just for you Request Now Everything in each scene couldn’t have been accomplished all the more impeccably. Even better is simply the cast, with entertainers like Kenneth Branagh himself, as Hamlet, Kate Winslet as Ophelia, Billy Crystal, and Robin Williams among numerous other extraordinary on-screen characters. The catastrophe begins with simply that, disaster, the passing of Hamlet’s Father, the ruler. The film begins with the guardians working seeing a ghost or something to that affect, which they later learn is Hamlet’s expired dad. The gatekeepers choose to tell Hamlet of this odd specter after Hamlet’s mother, the queen’s wedding to her brother by marriage. While the wedding is going on and after the function, Hamlet is plainly upset. The sovereign is wedding Hamlet’s father’s sibling just two brief a long time after his father’s abrupt passing. The gatekeepers tell Hamlet of the weird nebulous vision that is frequenting them daily and Hamlet is interested, he needs to see it for himself. In my preferred scene of the whole film, Hamlet goes through the foggy woods that night, hollering, shouting for his father’s disastrous passing. He gets a reaction from his father’s soul; his father’s voice talks in the most bone chilling voice. He discloses to Hamlet that his demise was â€Å"most merciless and most unnatural† and he makes this understood, saying it more than once. He says his sibling snuck up on him while he was sleeping in the plantation and emptied a diseased blend into his ear. The King’s own sibling submitted the deed that made him become sick and pass on very quickly. Prior to vanishing into the night, the specter says to Hamlet â€Å"Remember me! † This experience is obviously exceptionally enthusiastic for Hamlet. Hamlet needs to vindicate his father’s demise. He chooses the best way to wear on the new king’s inner voice is to given a performance that is fundamentally the narrative of his father’s selling out by his sibling and the sovereign for having hitched him. While this is going on, everybody is stating Hamlet has gone â€Å"mad† in light of his flighty conduct, yet credits it to his being love debilitated over his young lady companion, Ophelia. Hamlet adores Ophelia, and she cherishes him, however her dad precludes her to see him any more. Hamlet is infuriated by this, as he is numerous things Ophelia’s father says and does. In the warmth of a contention, Hamlet slaughters Ophelia’s Father. Ophelia is crushed, goes crazy, and in the end winds up suffocating herself. Ophelia’s sibling comes back from France to discover his dad has been killed by Hamlet and Ophelia has slaughtered herself. Obviously, Ophelia’s sibling is angry. Ophelia’s sibling and the King plan for him and Hamlet to fight. They intend to harm the cup Hamlet drinks from during the battle, so he will without a doubt pass on. While fencing, the King demands that Hamlet drink for progressing admirably, however he abstains and says he will hold until some other time. Next, the sovereign offers him a beverage, however again he cannot, so she drinks out of the cup that is harmed. The battle turns very horrible and Ophelia’s sibling is struck down. Simultaneously the sovereign has tumbled to the floor, kicking the bucket, saying she had been harmed before she took her final gasp. Ophelia’s sibling admits that the King is the person who harmed the cup so as to execute Hamlet. Hamlet and Ophelia’s sibling present appropriate reparations before he passes on. Angered, Hamlet pursues the King and feeds him the toxic substance. The King bites the dust. At that point Hamlet bites the dust of harming. The Norwegian crown ruler and his military tempest the château so as to accept the seat, burning through no time. They are surprised by the regal passings. I thought the film had an incredible cast, every extraordinary on-screen character that made a magnificent showing. Kenneth Branagh made a decent Hamlet. I loved Hamlet’s character and sought the best after him, despite the fact that I didn't concur with a portion of the things he did. I felt severely for Hamlet, as I additionally did Ophelia when she ended her own life out of wretchedness. I think it is miserable they didn't wind up together; however of course that’s the point, it’s a catastrophe. I adored the first King, despite the fact that he wasn’t in the film much in living thing, he appeared to be a reasonable and savvy King. The entertainer who played the ruler made a fabulous showing in the foggy woods scene. With everything taken into account the whole cast was exceptionally persuading, so much that you either came to love or despise the characters. I think there are numerous subjects in Hamlet. The one that stands apart the most is the significance of speculation before acting. Hamlet does and expresses numerous things he may not on the off chance that he set aside some effort to first â€Å"cool down†. It appears as though he is too rushed to even consider acting and this regularly pushes him into difficulty causing awful things to happen that he can’t basically reclaim. Another exercise to take from Hamlet is that nothing is everlastingly and nothing is sure. Hamlet grappled with the legitimacy of the experience of his father’s ghost, he addressed whether it truly occurred. For certain things in this life there is no hard science. At times the appropriate responses are not in every case clear; you simply need to confide in your own judgment. I truly delighted in viewing the film form of Hamlet. Honestly I figured transforming a play into a film would be hard to make fascinating, yet it was done incredibly well. I couldn't imagine anything better than to go to a genuine live play adaptation of Hamlet. I figure the experience of seeing the misbehaving close on a phase would be very surprising at that point viewing the film in light of the fact that the crowd can get increasingly engaged with the story, however the film is a decent approach on the off chance that you don’t have the chance to see the play. The minor enhancements in the film truly help to attract you, yet it’s nothing noteworthy that couldn’t be done in front of an audience too. Hamlet is a great story that has stood the trial of time. I’m sure it will be constantly reenacted and adjusted for motion pictures in ages to come. Step by step instructions to refer to Kenneth Branagh’s Hamlet, Papers

Friday, August 21, 2020

Introductory paragraph and online worksheet Essay

I am number three of four youngsters in the family line up, the sole to set off for college. My folks consistently have been steady of my returning to class since they didn't complete grade school. My profession plan is to turn into an Elementary School Teacher or a Marriage and Family Therapist. I am as of now taking a shot at getting my bachelor’s qualification in brain science, conceivably a master’s certificate in training or directing. College of Phoenix was one of my first school decisions, I adored that I could concentrate on each class in turn and have the option to work all day. The apparatuses accessible to a University of Phoenix understudy are astounding; form a lifelong arrangement, do work statistical surveying, online library, character tests, and significantly more. My capabilities helped me to perceive what my qualities and shortcomings are, for example, enhancing, composing, adjusting to change, and adapting to pressure. When I finished the profession intrigue profiler, I was not astounded to see that my outcomes urged me to be an instructor or a specialist since I am keen on that. <p

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Essay Topics For Animal Farm - A Short Introduction

Essay Topics For Animal Farm - A Short IntroductionIt is not that easy to write an essay topic for Animal Farm. To make it sound less intimidating, you have to think of all the animals that are portrayed on the book.The farm is set in the middle eastern societies where the Russian Empire, Ottoman and other large empires exist. The writers of the book had a lot of freedom to do what they want because they have a large audience. The method they used to describe events was completely different than how historians would look at things. What is most interesting about it is that there is no accurate information available about the year in which the events take place, only some descriptions of people's behavior.The goal of a project is to give students a hint of the importance of research. Many students find writing essays on an essay topic for Animal Farm to be difficult. Even though there is very little information available about the year in which it took place, many students can use thi s opportunity to form their own conclusion. In addition, a student should make sure they take the time to research the other characters on the book.The character of George Orwell was very famous when the book was written, and today he is considered one of the major authors. George is considered to be one of the greatest minds who ever lived. He was very critical of people's behavior in society, which is why his essay topic is so good for students to write. It is important for students to understand that it takes years of practice to perfect writing a text essay.Many students who plan to do an essay on Animal Farm are not completely satisfied with what they have written. There is a lot of room for improvement in a work of art. To ensure that your students get the best they can from their writing you have to make sure they think of Animal Farm as they would have done if they were George Orwell. Take the time to do research into the characters and the story.Writing essays on Animal Far m is not easy. However, if you are determined enough, you can learn a lot from the book. There are many resources out there that will help you improve your skills in writing essays. You just have to pick one and practice writing about Animal Farm. You will eventually come up with great material that will make you a better writer.When writing an essay topic for Animal Farm, you have to consider your own opinions. You have to form your own opinions as well as those of the characters in the book. This article may be of interest to you in learning more about essays on this topic.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Democracy Debate in Herodotus

Herodotus, the Greek historian known as the Father of History, describes a debate on the three government types  (Herodotus III.80-82), in which proponents of each type tell whats wrong or right with democracy. 1. The monarchist  (supporter of rule by one person, be it a king, tyrant, dictator, or emperor) says freedom, one component of what we today think of as a democracy, can be given just as well by monarchs. 2. The oligarch  (supporter of rule by a few, especially the aristocracy but could also be the best educated) points out the inherent danger of democracy -- mob rule. 3. The pro-democracy speaker (supporter of rule by the citizens who in a direct democracy all vote on all issues) says in democracy magistrates are held accountable and are selected by lot; deliberation is made by the entire citizen body (optimally, according to Plato, 5040 adult males). Equality is the guiding principle of democracy. Read the three positions: Book III 80. When the tumult had subsided and more than five days had elapsed, those who had risen against the Magians began to take counsel about the general state, and there were spoken speeches which some of the  Hellenes  do not believe were really uttered, but spoken they were nevertheless. On the one hand Otanes urged that they should resign the government into the hands of the whole body of the Persians, and his words were as follows: To me, it seems best that no single one of us should henceforth be ruler, for that is neither pleasant nor profitable. Ye saw the insolent temper of Cambyses, to what lengths it went, and ye have had experience also of the insolence of the Magian: and how should the rule of one alone be a well-ordered thing, seeing that the monarch may do what he desires without rendering any account of his acts? Even the best of all men, if he were placed in this disposition, would be caused by it to change from his wonted disposition: for insolence is engendered in him by the good things which he possesses, and envy is implanted in man from the beginning; and having these two things, he has all vice: for he does many deeds of reckless wrong, partly moved by insolence proceeding from satiety, and partly by envy. And yet a despot at least ought to have been free from envy, seeing that he has all manner of good things. He is however naturally in just the opposite temper towards his subjects; for he grudges to the nobles that they should survive and live, but delights in the basest of citizens, and he is more ready than any other man to receive calumnies. Then of all things he is the most inconsistent; for if you express admiration of him moderately, he is offended that no very great court is paid to him, whereas if you pay court to him extravagantly, he is offended with you for being a flatterer. And the most important matter of all is that which I am about to say:--he disturbs the customs handed down from our fathers, he is a ravisher of women, and he puts men to death without trial. On the other hand the rule of many has first a name attaching to it which is the fairest of all names, that is to say Equality; next, the multitude does none of those things which the monarch does: offices of state are exercised by lot, and the magistrates are compelled to render account of their action: and finally all matters of deliberation are referred to the public assembly. I therefore give as my opinion that we let monarchy go and increase the power of the multitude; for in the many is contained everything. 81. This was the opinion expressed by Otanes; but Megabyzos urged that they should entrust matters to the rule of a few, saying these words: That which Otanes said in opposition to a tyranny, let it be counted as said for me also, but in that which he said urging that we should make over the power to the multitude, he has missed the best counsel: for nothing is more senseless or insolent than a worthless crowd; and for men flying from the insolence of a despot to fall into that of unrestrained popular power, is by no means to be endured: for he, if he does anything, does it knowing what he does, but the people cannot even know; for how can that know which has neither been taught anything noble by others nor perceived anything of itself, but pushes on matters with violent impulse and without understanding, like a torrent stream? Rule of the people then let them adopt who are foes to the Persians; but let us choose a company of the best men, and to them attach the chief power; for in t he number of these we shall ourselves also be, and it is likely that the resolutions taken by the best men will be the best. 82. This was the opinion expressed by Megabyzos; and thirdly Dareios proceeded to declare his opinion, saying: To me it seems that in those things which Megabyzos said with regard to the multitude he spoke rightly, but in those which he said with regard to the rule of a few, not rightly: for whereas there are three things set before us, and each is supposed to be the best in its own kind, that is to say a good popular government, and the rule of a few, and thirdly the rule of one, I say that this last is by far superior to the others; for nothing better can be found than the rule of an individual man of the best kind; seeing that using the best judgment he would be guardian of the multitude without reproach; and resolutions directed against enemies would so best be kept secret. In an oligarchy however it happens often that many, while practising virtue with regard to the commonwealth, have strong private enmities arising among themselves; for as each man desires to be himself the lea der and to prevail in counsels, they come to great enmities with one another, whence arise factions among them, and out of the factions comes murder, and from murder results the rule of one man; and thus it is shown in this instance by how much that is the best. Again, when the people rules, it is impossible that corruption should not arise, and when corruption arises in the commonwealth, there arise among the corrupt men not enmities but strong ties of friendship: for they who are acting corruptly to the injury of the commonwealth put their heads together secretly to do so. And this continues so until at last some one takes the leadership of the people and stops the course of such men. By reason of this the man of whom I speak is admired by the people, and being so admired he suddenly appears as monarch. Thus he too furnishes herein an example to prove that the rule of one is the best thing. Finally, to sum up all in a single word, whence arose the liberty which we possess, and who gave it to us? Was it a gift of the people or of an oligarchy or of a monarch? I therefore am of opinion that we, having been set free by one man, should preserve that form of rule, and in other respects also that we should not annul the customs of our fathers which are ordered well; for that is not the better way. Source: Herodotus Book III

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Ontological Arguments for the Existence of God Essay

In the fifth Meditation, Descartes presents his second argument for the existence of God. Descartes holds that existence is perfection and so, it can be a predicate for God. I will first explain what is the ontological argument for the existence of God. Next, I will discuss why Descartes decides to bring God into His method of philosophy. I will then try to argue that existence is a perfection and that as a predicate for God, existence reveal certain true about God. Ontological argument tries to prove the existence of God from a priori perspective, i.e., idea implanted in the human mind by God himself. The argument therefore depends on analytic reasoning, from premise to conclusion. Descartes believes that he has an inborn idea which he†¦show more content†¦Thus, having proven his own existence beyond doubt, Descartes can now proceed to discover other clear and distinct truth, i.e., God. After Descartes proves his very existence out of the shadow of a doubt, he must now find a perfect and all-knowing God in order to escape the evil genius. For Descartes, sensory experience are all doubtful and thus, he would consider them to be false for nothing truth can be deduced from sensory experience up to this point of the meditations (Beardsley p.33). As long as the deceiver is in place, his quest for an epistemological guarantor will persist. Thereby, the existence of an all-perfect non-deceiving God is necessary for Descartes to be certain ab out clear and distinct ideas. Descartes seeks to prove the existence of God and as we already know, part of his idea of God is an absolutely perfect being, then according to Descartes, conceiving this idea of God is almost the same thing as conceiving that God actually exists. Therefore, Descartes must then proceed to prove the existence of such a perfect God. In his mind, Descartes conceives different ideas of things. Those ideas may be â€Å"situated outside† of his mind or within his thoughts (Beardsley p.44). For Descartes, God is an infinite substance, â€Å"independent, all-knowing, all-powerful†¦Ã¢â‚¬  from which all things proceed (p.48). In other word, God is the most perfect being from whom all other things proceed. According to Descartes’ philosophy, the idea ofShow MoreRelatedThe Existence Of God : Ontological Argument Essay1696 Words   |  7 PagesThe question of the existence of God has troubled mankind for thousands of years. Many philosophers and theologians have always searched for prove whether God exists. Many of them constructed valid arguments which support theist believes. The existence of God was once never denied, as His presence, His existence was evident in miracles and the people s faith. But time and the advancement of modern science have called God and His very nature into question. The P erfect Being has become the sourceRead MoreThe Ontological Argument On The Existence Of God1608 Words   |  7 PagesThe ontological argument is one of the most prominent arguments with in philosophy. Ontological comes from the Greek word â€Å"ontos† meaning â€Å"being† or â€Å"what there is†. Ontology credits the existence of God to overall essence of God. The ontology argument questions the nature of being which includes questioning the existence of God. As made apparent in â€Å"Introduction to Philosophy: Classical and Contemporary Readings† many philosophers have different views and theories on the existence of God. AnslemRead MoreThe Ontological Argument For The Existence Of God1509 Words   |  7 PagesDescartes’ ontological argument is an echo of the original ontological argument for the existence of God as proposed by St. Anselm in the 11th century. To illustrate the background of the ontological argument, Anselm’s argument wor ks within a distinct framework of ontology that posits the existence of God as necessity by virtue of its definition. In other words, for the mind to conceive of an infinite, perfect God, ultimately implies that there must indeed be a perfect God that embodies existence, forRead MoreOntological Argument For The Existence Of God1083 Words   |  5 Pagesthis paper I will discuss the argument of Anselms ontological argument for the existence of god. His basis of his argument being an analytical breakdown for the reason fot gods exsistence. While also establishing that Anselms inferences found with his use of deduction and logical means to prove the existence of a higher being are indeed true. In addition I will defend Anselms argument by depicting other people’s objections against his argument. Specifically the argument made by Gaunilo, who disagreedRead MoreAn Ontological Argument For The Existence Of God1430 Words   |  6 PagesNatural Religion (1779), Hume has the charact er of Demea present an Ontological Argument for the existence of God. Demea attempts to argue that God’s existence can be proven wholly a priori and logically, rather than through the a posteriori design argument. A priori arguments say that if the reasoning is valid then the conclusion necessarily follows from the premises, which Demea argues is the case when it comes to the existence of god. The following essay will discuss Demea s standing, Cleanthes’Read MoreEssay on The Ontological Argument for the Existence of God1545 Words   |  7 PagesThe Ontological Argument for the Existence of God The ontological argument is an a priori argument. The arguments attempt to prove Gods existence from the meaning of the word God. The ontological argument was introduced by Anselm of Canterbury in his book Proslogion. Anselms classical argument was based on two principals and the two most involved in this is St Anselm of Canterbury as previously mentioned and Rene Descartes. The ontological argument argues thatRead MoreDescartes Ontological Argument For The Existence Of God1302 Words   |  6 Pages10/30/2014 Descartes’ Ontological Argument for the Existence of God The Ontological Argument for the existence of God is an a priori argument that aims to demonstrate that God’s real-world existence follows necessarily from the concept of God. In Meditation V of Discourse on Methods and Meditations on First Philosophy, Descartes presents his version of the Ontological Argument for the existence of God. In this essay, I will argue that this argument fails because necessary existence for a concept doesRead MoreAnselm s Ontological Argument On The Existence Of God935 Words   |  4 PagesAnselm’s Ontological argument sets out to not only prove God’s existence, but to show that God’s existence is self-evident. Similar to other ontological arguments, it uses a priori knowledge to argue its validity, meaning that the propositions made are derived from internal reasoning instead of sense experience. The argument begins with Anselm defining the term God as â€Å"that, than which nothing greater can be conceived† (pg.26). Although simple, once this term is accepted Anselm believes he has successfullyRead MoreThe Major Features of the Ontological Argument for the Existence of God1021 Words   |  5 Pagesof the Ontological Argument for the Existence of God The ontological argument for the existence of God was originally set out in eleventh century by St. Anselm in his Proslogian. Anselm was a Benedictine monk, Archbishop of Canterbury, and one of the great medieval theologians. It has received a lot of both support and criticism from leaning philosophers. The argument is appeals to those who already believe in the existence of God than to an atheist. The argument is entirelyRead MoreValidity And Effectiveness Of Anselm s Ontological Argument On The Existence Of God1095 Words   |  5 PagesAnselm s Ontological Argument on the existence of God. I will begin by presenting Anselm’s Ontological Argument from the ground up. This includes the argument, basic idea, initial assumptions, Anselm’s definition of god, and Anselm s distinctions which are needed to completely understand the nature of my argument. Furthermore, I will present concepts of logic and define what makes an argument valid, and circular argument because they are necessary for understanding the validity of this argument. Following

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Marketing and Entrepreneurship for Clean Environment-myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theMarketing and Entrepreneurship for Clean Environment. Answer: One of the non-profit organisations that were established to keep the country clean from the waste products is Clean Up Australia ("Clean Up Australia Day - Official Site", 2017). In order to keep the trend they have to build collaboration with the organizations, communities and the government. Among the 7Ps of implementing marketing, this organisation follows promotion strategy in a effective way ("Develop a marketing strategy | Business Queensland", 2017). According to my perspective, this strategy will help them to achieve their objectives in spreading awareness about the need of a clean environment. The trust and the charity are the exchanging elements between these non profit organisations and other marketing organisations organisations which will aid them succeed in their goal. In terms of earning profit, this company spends the charitable money by buying equipments that will be used in cleaning the environment and the country, instead of making any profit. Billabong is a well known business brand formed by Gordon and Rena Merchant from Australia in 1973 (Payne, 2014). The Billabong is a surfing company that primarily deals with clothing retailer that produces accessories such as snowboard, skateboard, watches and backpacks. But the core business has shattered in the last few years. According to me, todays youth do not find the product anymore cool to wear. The reason behind the deteriorating business is not the over priced products but the indifference among the customers with a prolonged shift from the fashions inspired by surfing. Customers visiting the mentioned site do not find any reviews regarding the products whether these are safe and authentic. Thus, to my opinion these factors inhibit the Billabong to build relationship with the target customers (Industry, 2017). One of the effective ways to measure the distribution of income among people of the society is to calculate the decile ratio. It is important for the company to collect economic and financial data from the employees and Labour hours from Northern Territory of North island of New Zealand. This form of primary data can be collected with the help of Survey analysis from all the workers and employees in the respective region (Vanek et al. 2014). It is important for the surveyors, who are responsible for collecting data to fix up on their area of data collection. The company need to refer to the government report of Survey analysis and other relevant economic report that are made after collecting data from the respective area. It is also important to evaluate the primary source of income for the people. This can help to ensure that proper analysis of the data is done. The company also need to identify whether there is any inequality in the income level of the people. The company also need to recruit proper data analyst, who will have the skill to provide detailed information from the statistical report which is obtained from government records and survey analysis (Atkinson Bourguignon, 2014). Nestle, Pepsi Unilever are currently, three of the major FMCG global brands. The target customer for Nestle includes all the people who are highly conscious about the health as most of the products are related to health and dietary supplements and baby products. In order to further the segment the market, it is essential for the Nestle to target the younger generations, who are passionate about good health ("News Feed", 2017). The Pepsi on the other hand uses the techniques of mass marketing as they sell beverage drinks that can be consumed by all types of people. As in the recent times, Pepsi is launching beverage drinks with low sugar and calorific value, it is essential that they segment the market by targeting the health conscious people. Unilever is a company, which sells a wide range of products that is related to personal and home care category. The company mainly uses the techniques of mass marketing in order to attract maximum possible customers. There are also few high priced luxury product of the company, which is aimed for the people of rich section of the society. Out of these three brands the marketing technique of Unilever is the best as they use different methods of marketing. The Pepsi has the worst ranking due to the fact that they do not provide message for any particular groups of customers ("About", 2017). The generation of the baby boomers comprises population of approximately 80 million people who were born in between 1946-1964 and successfully affecting the marketing trends through decades (Gursoy, Chi Karadag, 2013). In modern world, the demographic changes are taking place due to economic crisis. But Baby Boomers are thought to maintain the trend by marketing traditional products. Thus some of the international companies are reported to increase their revenue by following the trends of Baby Boomers. These baby boomers are predicted to live long than previous generation and controls 70% of disposable income of nations. A research by IBIS world provided the examples of the industries that will benefit from this generations habit of spending, published in Booming: Industries Benefiting from the Aging Population. First marketing trend is associated with the Baby Boomers who are self-employed and might plan to sell their stock to fund retirement. Thus the financial advisers, business appraisers and tax planners are expecting to experience a booming revenue growth. Second marketing trend is the increased revenue growth of the international tour companies that offer trips to the retired boomers who planned to spend their savings in touring during their healthy stage of life. This will also increase the revenue growth for the travel insurers through the boomers willing to give high premiums. Next are the non profit entities such as churches, agencies for animal adoption, homeless shelters and education based organisations. Baby Boomers increase their revenue by volunteering young generations and providing generous charities after their retirement. Baby boomers health are thought to decline with age, so the health companies are focussed on reducing medical expenditures and facilitating latest treatments such as Pharmacy benefits managers (PBMs) that negotiates with the medicine companies in terms of discounts, processing claims and retail networking, concierge docto rs who are take fixed fees with limited patients. These doctors gain more money by seeing less patients providing personalized and special assistance to the patients ("Industries that Could Be Booming as the Baby Boomers Age | Flagel Huber Flagel", 2017). Therefore, in this way the demographic trends are affecting the international marketing that benefits the ageing baby boomers. References About. (2017).Unilever global company website. Retrieved 31 August 2017, from Atkinson, A. B., Bourguignon, F. (Eds.). (2014). Handbook of income distribution. Elsevier. Clean Up Australia Day - Official Site. (2017) Retrieved 31 August 2017, from Develop a marketing strategy | Business Queensland. (2017) Retrieved 31 August 2017, from Gursoy, D., Chi, C. G. Q., Karadag, E. (2013). Generational differences in work values and attitudes among frontline and service contact employees.International Journal of Hospitality Management,32, 40-48. Industries that Could Be Booming as the Baby Boomers Age | Flagel Huber Flagel. 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